Wire or Block Diagram

Wire or Block diagram is a subproject included in PlantUML that may help you to design block diagram, wire or wiring diagram.

You can use @startwire and @endwire keywords.


See Q&A references: * QA-9054 * QA-11066 * QA-12518 * QA-12700


"There are many requests for block diagrams.

The good news is that we have started to do some experiments…​

This is really a preliminary version so don’t expect anything real useful right now. However, you can play with the syntax and tell us what you think about it."

Basic component

Component of the wire diagram are declared with an ID starting with * and containing only letters, digit or underscore. When printed, underscores is changed to spaces. You can optionally provide a dimension to components.

* first
* second_box [100x50]
* third

You can start new column using -- as separator

Components can be nested using indentations (like in Python)

* first
* second_box [100x50]
* third
* big_container
	* foo1
	* foo2
	* foo3

You can change the placement using two directives: * move for relative movement * goto for absolute movement

* first [70x70]
* second_box [90x70]
* third [70x70]

* last [70x70]

* big_container
	* foo1 #lightBlue
	* foo2 #AAA
	* foo3


Local reference

Each component implicitely create a local referential you can use.

The spot directive allows to show a point on the diagram.

* first [70x70] #EEE
* second_box [70x70]
* third [70x70]

* last [70x70]

* big_container
	* foo1
	* foo2
	* foo3

spot first
spot big_container #blue
spot second_box(100%, 100%)
spot second_box(10, 30) #FF00FF
spot third(100%+10, 50%) #cyan


It is possible to add horizontal or vertical arrows on the diagram. It’s important to note that those lines do not change the layout of the element. Furthermore, those arrows are always straight.

You can put text on arrows and change their color.


* DDR3 [100x200]
* SLC_NAND [100x200]

DDR3 -> SLC_NAND : abcd
DDR3 <-> SLC_NAND : abcd
DDR3 <- SLC_NAND : abcd
DDR3 - SLC_NAND : abcd
DDR3 => SLC_NAND : abcd
DDR3 <=> SLC_NAND #red : abcd
DDR3 <= SLC_NAND : abcd
DDR3 = SLC_NAND : abcd

* DDR3 [200x100]
* SLC_NAND [200x100]

DDR3 == SLC_NAND #red

Print texts

You can add some texts to your diagrams.


* DDR3L #salmon
	print("This is inside")

print("This text is printed between")
print("the components")

* SLC_NAND [150x200]
* TestPoints
* Big_Chip #AAA
	move(10, 30)
	print("Foo 10")
	* PF3000 [150x300]
		print("Foo 20")


	* EEPROM #lightBlue

Full example

* DDR3L [70x70]
* SLC_NAND [70x70]
* TestPoints [70x30]
* PF3000 [70x130]
* EEPROM [70x30]

* i_MX7_SoC
	* 2x_ARM [70x70]
	* ARM [70x70]
	* PXP [70x70]
	* Crypto [70x30]
	* DDR3 [70x70]
	* JTAG [70x30]
	* signals
		* 24_bit_display [85x20]
		* 24_bit_camera [85x20]
		* 2x_DS_DSIO [85x20]
		* 124x_GPIO [85x20]
		* 4x_12C [85x20]
		* 3x_12S [85x20]
		* 7x_UART [85x20]
		* 2x_QuadSPI [85x20]
		* 4x_eCSPI [85x20]
		* 2x_CAN [85x20]
		* 4x_Timer [85x20]
		* Local_bus [85x20]
		* GPMI [85x20]
		* 2x_Gbit_MAC [85x20]
		* 6x6_keypard [85x20]
		* 4x_PWM [85x20]
		* 2x_SmartCard [85x20]
		* 4x_Watchdog [85x20]
		* MQS [85x20]

	* ADC1 [70x30]
	* ADC2 [70x30]
	* MIPI_DSI [70x30]
	* PCIe [70x30]
	* USB2_0   [70x30]
	* USB2_0_  [70x30]
	* USB2_0__ [70x30]
	* MIPI_CSI [70x30]

move(40, 480)
* WLAN_BT    [100x30]
* 1Gbit_PHY [100x30]
* 1Gbit_PHY_ [100x30]
move(0, 120)
* WM_8731L [100x30]

move(-40, 10)
* SPI_FLASH [80x30]
move(110, -50)
* Resistive [80x30]

move(-90, 80)
* DSI_to_LVDS [100x30]
* USB2_0 [100x30]


* 240pin [50x1220]

DDR3L(100%,50%-10) => i_MX7_SoC.DDR3
SLC_NAND -> i_MX7_SoC.signals
SLC_NAND(100%, 50) -> i_MX7_SoC.signals

TestPoints -> i_MX7_SoC.JTAG

PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC #0000ff
PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC
PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC

i_MX7_SoC.signals(100%,25) => 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals(100%,65) => 240pin

i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin #red
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin
i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin

i_MX7_SoC.signals.Local_bus -> WLAN_BT


Suggestions and ideas about the new 1.2020.24 syntax

[[#77FF00#The PlantUML Team:]] We are waiting for users feedback :-)

Wanted features or examples of expecting syntax


General feature requests that did not come from a QA.

  • Most wire diagrams have the same "device/component" in multiple locations. For instance, you could have the exact same temperature sensor in multiple spots (as if spread out over the board). A great feature would be to setup components with their connection points then replicated them throughout the layout. See item #5 in the "first impressions" section at the bottom.

  • support "rankDir" or left to right vs top to bottom layout. sometimes I would rather new componets layout left to right instead of vertically.

From QA-11066

According to QA-11066:

  • Add the possibility to give hspace (horizontal space) [[#00FF00#DONE]] (with move)

  • Putting block in block with defined size [[#00FF00#DONE]]

  • ~~The vspace inside block do nothing~~

  • Add left, middle and right (or absolute offset) for lateral positionning of blocks

  • Name blocks and IO to be able to connect easily after. Connections are often 1 to 1, but sometimes 1 -> n or n -> 1.

  • Instead of:

    • "right:" and "left:"

    • "connector "RTN" is left" and "connector "VCC" is top" would make it more clear. → to debate

  • proposal syntax:

    • => can represent a thicker arrow like a bus [[#00FF00#DONE]]

    • -> will represent a single wire and should try to be a straight as possible. [[#00FF00#DONE]]

    • left of, right of should be for component placement. All left of X should be vertically aligned and stacked; while X should expand vertically to accept straight wires (unless absolute size is specified).

    • prefer right angles for wire connections and direction changing

    • the render of the wire will assume the same overlay layer as the highest connection point. That is, if a component(x) is overlayed another component, any wire to that component(x) will overlay the same components that the component(x) overlays

    • the name of the bus/wire will be centered on the wire and re-rendered for each "section" between connections or breaks (overlay breaks).

SOM iMX7 System on Module block diagram

[[#aaff00#SW:]] From my own tests QA-12700

  1. Text or label on arrow with syntax like sequence diagram with the ": label" [[#00FF00#DONE]]

  2. Alias with "BlockLabelwith BackSlash\_n:allowed" as BlockAlias

  3. Vertical arrow with --> [[#00FF00#DONE]]

  4. Arrow with 2 ends with <-> [[#00FF00#DONE]]

  5. Arrow with angle: if you write "$iMX7SoC.Crypto → $iMX7SoC.signals.3x\_12S" the line go to 7x UART

  6. If not possible, let create hLines and vline to create our own arrow

  7. Start an arrow on a spot or at a given position

  8. Stereotypes [[[#aaffaa#ThL:]]or global/local style or inline style] to be able to use new skinparams (background color, block name position and orientation, etc.)

  9. Free label with position (or block without border) ([[#aaffaa#ThL:]] in order to accept special char, (,),- or newline)

  10. Let space (and tab) be used before wires and spots

  11. Is the $ syntax the best? It is not easy when you have procedure and functions also with $. [[#aaff00#SW:]]only one syntax (even i don’t like it :-) ) is better than many syntaxes (less code to maintain, less bug, etc.) [[#00FF00#DONE]] (we use * now)

[[#aaffaa#ThL:]] Then for nested, use multiples * (Perhaps re-use code of mindmap…​):

*second_box [100x300]

Allow also not significant space or indentation (especially from processing [cf. QA-12230])


[[#aaff00#SW:]] To be really usable in real work, the mandatory features are:

  1. Labels (on lines and on components) [[#00FF00#DONE]] [[#aaff00#SW:]] not for vertical lines

  2. Lines not only from left to right. For inspiration Turtle Graphics if not automatic

  3. A base syntax to be extended easily like "nwdiag extended syntax" for example

  4. [[#aaffaa#ThL:]] Could you add text on vertical mode, as:

* DDR3 [200x100]
* SLC_NAND [200x100]

DDR3 --> SLC_NAND     : abcd
DDR3 <--> SLC_NAND    : abcd
DDR3 <-- SLC_NAND     : abcd
DDR3 -- SLC_NAND      : abcd
DDR3 ==> SLC_NAND     : abcd
DDR3 <==> SLC_NAND    : abcd
DDR3 <== SLC_NAND     : abcd
DDR3 == SLC_NAND #red : abcd
  1. [[#aaff00#SW:]]h and vline

* _ [50x1]
move (50, -20)
* __ [1x50]
move (-50, -20)
* ___ [50x1]
move (0, -20)
* ____ [1x50]
move (0, -20)
* _____ [50x1]
*_______________ [50x100]
* ______ [50x1]
move (50, -20)
* _______ [1x50]
move (-50, -20)
* ________ [50x1]
move (0, -20)
* _________ [1x50]
move (0, -20)
* __________ [50x1]
* ____________ [1x100]
move (10, -100)
print("<&heart>\n**Happy New year**")
move (2, 1 )
print ("")
      ' simpler with
hline [50]
move (50, -20)
vline (50)
move (-50, -20)
hline (50)
move (0, -20)
vline (50)
move (0, -20)
hline (50)
*_______________ [50x100]

hline (50)
move (50, -20)
vline (50)
move (-50, -20)
hline (50)
move (0, -20)
vline (50)
move (0, -20)
hline (50)
* ____________ [1x100]
move (10, -100)
print("<&heart>\n**Happy New year**")
move (2, 1 )
print ("<img:http://plantuml.com/logo3.png>")


Any thought ?


From other…​ TBC…​

* foo

or expecting syntax:

      ' To be complete

Attempt to reproduce the full example

* DDR3L [70x70]      #lightgray
* SLC_NAND [70x70]   #lightgray
* TestPoints [70x30] #lightgray
* PF3000 [70x130]    #lightgray
* EEPROM [70x30]     #lightgray

* i_MX7_SoC #lightgray
	* 2x_ARM [70x70] #white
	* ARM [70x70]    #white
	* PXP [70x70]    #white
	* Crypto [70x30] #white
	* DDR3 [70x70]   #white
	* JTAG [70x30]   #white
	* signals #white
		* 24_bit_display [85x20]
		* 24_bit_camera [85x20]
		* 2x_DS_DSIO [85x20]
		* 124x_GPIO [85x20]
		* 4x_12C [85x20]
		* 3x_12S [85x20]
		* 7x_UART [85x20]
		* 2x_QuadSPI [85x20]
		* 4x_eCSPI [85x20]
		* 2x_CAN [85x20]
		* 4x_Timer [85x20]
		* Local_bus [85x20]
		* GPMI [85x20]
		* 2x_Gbit_MAC [85x20]
		* 6x6_keypard [85x20]
		* 4x_PWM [85x20]
		* 2x_SmartCard [85x20]
		* 4x_Watchdog [85x20]
		* MQS [85x20]

	* ADC1 [70x30]     #white
	* ADC2 [70x30]     #white
	* MIPI_DSI [70x30] #white
	* PCIe [70x30]     #white
	* USB2_0   [70x30] #white
	* USB2_0_  [70x30] #white
	* USB2_0__ [70x30] #white
	* MIPI_CSI [70x30] #white

move(40, 480)
* WLAN_BT    [100x30] #lightgray
* 1Gbit_PHY [100x30]  #lightgray
* 1Gbit_PHY_ [100x30] #lightgray
move(0, 120)
* WM_8731L [100x30] #lightgray

move(-40, 10)
* SPI_FLASH [80x30] #lightgray
move(110, -50)
* Resistive [80x30] #lightgray

move(-90, 80)
* DSI_to_LVDS [100x30] #lightgray
* USB2_0 [100x40] #lightgray


* 240pin [50x1220] #lightgray

DDR3L(100%,50%-10) <=> i_MX7_SoC.DDR3    : 32 bit
SLC_NAND <-> i_MX7_SoC.signals           : GPMI
SLC_NAND(100%, 50) <-> i_MX7_SoC.signals : MMC

TestPoints <-> i_MX7_SoC.JTAG            : JTAG

PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC #0000ff : Power
PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC : Power
PF3000 => i_MX7_SoC : Power


i_MX7_SoC.signals(100%,25) => 240pin : \nup to 1x PD (24-bit)\n
i_MX7_SoC.signals(100%,65) <= 240pin : up to 1x C (P CSI)

i_MX7_SoC.signals -> 240pin #red :
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 7x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 3x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 3x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 124x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 3x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 4x PWM
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 6x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 1x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 6 x 6
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 2x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 4x
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 240pin : up-to 1x MQS int

i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> WLAN_BT : UART
i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> WLAN_BT : MMC

i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 1Gbit_PHY : RGMII
1Gbit_PHY <-> 240pin : 1Gbit Eth

i_MX7_SoC.signals <-> 1Gbit_PHY_ : RGMII
1Gbit_PHY_ <-> 240pin : 1Gbit Eth

i_MX7_SoC.PCIe <=> 240pin : PCI Express 1

i_MX7_SoC.USB2_0 <-> USB2_0 : HSIC
USB2_0 <-> 240pin : USB 2.0
USB2_0 <-> 240pin : USB 2.0
USB2_0 <-> 240pin : USB 2.0

i_MX7_SoC.USB2_0_ <-> 240pin : USB 2.0 OTG
i_MX7_SoC.USB2_0__ <-> 240pin : USB 2.0 HOST

i_MX7_SoC.MIPI_CSI <-> 240pin : MIPI-CSI


Remark after first use…​

1. Label of component

print (for label of component) is not useful (for other text, why not!)

  • Why not create label as:

* alias [a x b] #color : long label

e.g. :

* WM_8731L [100x30] #green : "Audio_Codec \nWM_8731L"


* WM_8731L [100x30] #green : Audio_Codec \nWM_8731L

2. Padding

Could you add padding for text on double arrow <=>?

3. Component Label Positioning

  • I think centering the label inside a box would be a better default

  • scaling the label size with the size of the box might also be a nice feature.

4. Component Declaration syntax

The use of `\*\` to declare a component is incongruent with the rest of plantuml, where one explicitly types out the type of component they want, such as:

state myState
actor myActor
class myClass

I would much prefer to keep plantuml readable and suggest changing the syntax to either use "component/device/etc" over the `\*\`.

or, you could just assume (like other diagrams) the type by way of the startwire; thus you know that any object typed in should be a box of type "device/component/\*".

This would also allow for defining specifics about a "device" by use of brackets (just like the rest of plantuml).

device DDR3 {
label is center

connector 1 left
connector 2 right
connector 3 left
connector VDD right
connector gpio1 left
connector GND right

If you could declare a device as above, then that could set you up for replication; because we often have a lot of the same components on the same bus (e.g. 6 temperature sensors on the same spi bus).

device tmp125 {
label: TMP125 \n 30Mhz
connector somi is right
connector simo is left
connector vdd is top
connector gnd is bottom
# lightgrey

component tmp125 as tmp1
component tmp125 as tmp2
component tmp125 as tmp3

component MicroProc{
connector somi is right
connector simo is right

MicroProc.simo -> tmp1.simo
MicroProc.simo -> tmp2.simo
MicroProc.simo -> tmp3.simo

tmp1.somi -> MicroProc.somi
tmp2.somi -> MicroProc.somi
tmp3.somi -> MicroProc.somi

Here would be the current method of "rendering" the above.

* MicroProc
* TMP125_1
* TMP125_2
* TMP125_3

MicroProc.SIMO -> TMP125_1 : SIMO
MicroProc.SIMO -> TMP125_2 : SIMO
MicroProc.SIMO -> TMP125_3 : SIMO

TMP125_1.SOMI -> MicroProc.SOMI : SOMI
TMP125_2.SOMI -> MicroProc.SOMI : SOMI
TMP125_3.SOMI -> MicroProc.SOMI : SOMI


5. Component Sizing

The sizing of a component should be dynamic. It should start out just big enough for the label+padding; then expand if it needs to fit stuff inside of it. like connection points+padding or other blocks/devices contained within (which should follow the same sizing rules).