Scalable Vector Graphics

SVG is a graphical format which is scalable. It means that when you zoom an image, you don’t lose quality. So this format gives good printing result.

You can enable SVG generation by using -tsvg flag with the link::command-line[command line].

You can also use format="svg" in the link::ant-task[Ant task definition].

<target name="main">
  <plantuml dir="./src" format="svg" />

You can also generate SVG link::api[directly from Java].

Specific SkinParameter for SVG


You can change the target value in the generated SVG with the svgLinkTarget setting.

According to the HTML specification, you can choose: * _blank * _parent * _self * _top (by default, if svgLinkTarget is empty)

skinparam svgLinkTarget _parent


There is also a setting skinparam pathHoverColor to specify a color change when the mouse pointer goes hover some links.

skinparam pathHoverColor green
class Foo2 [[]] {
  +double[] x
  +double y
Foo2 --> Foo3

[Ref. QA-5453]


If you does not want to have the attribut style, width and height on the header of the SVG output, you can set skinparam svgDimensionStyle false.

skinparam svgDimensionStyle false

component a {
component b {
a -(0- b

[Ref. QA-7334]

Specific Pragma for SVG


This directive !pragma svgSize <U+hhhhh> XX tells to PlantUML: "assume that the size of <U+hhhhh> is the same as 'XX' "

You can play with this directive:

  • !pragma svgSize <U+hhhhh> XX

  • !pragma svgSize <U+hhhhh> I

to find the best setting.

!pragma svgSize  XX

test: text 
test_size45: text 

You can use the -P link::command-line[command-line] option to specify the pragma. * Put it in quotes because the value includes spaces. * You can use it multiple times. Example:

java -jar plantuml.jar "-PsvgSize=<U+1F610> XX" "-PsvgSize=<U+1F611> I"

[Refs. QA-12550, issue-582]