
Within PlantUML, you can use AsciiMath notation:

note right
Try also
P(y|bb"x") or f(bb"x")+epsilon
end note

or JLaTeXMath notation:

note right
Try also
\dfrac{d}{dx}f(x)=\lim\limits_{h \to 0}\dfrac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}
P(y|\mathbf{x}) \mbox{ or } f(\mathbf{x})+\epsilon
end note

Here is another example:

Bob -> Alice : Can you solve: ax^2+bx+c=0
Alice --> Bob: x = (-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)

Standalone diagram

You can also use @startmath/@endmath to create standalone AsciiMath formula.

f(t)=(a_0)/2 + sum_(n=1)^ooa_ncos((npit)/L)+sum_(n=1)^oo b_n\ sin((npit)/L)

Or use @startlatex/@endlatex to create standalone JLaTeXMath formula.

\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} (a_i + b_i^2)

How is this working?

To draw those formulas, PlantUML uses two open source projects:

  • AsciiMath that converts AsciiMath notation to LaTeX expression;

  • JLatexMath that displays mathematical formulas written in LaTeX. JLaTeXMath is the best Java library to display LaTeX code.

ASCIIMathTeXImg.js is small enough to be integrated into PlantUML standard distribution.

Since JLatexMath is bigger, you have to download it separately, then unzip the 4 jar files (batik-all-1.7.jar, jlatexmath-minimal-1.0.3.jar, jlm\_cyrillic.jar and jlm\_greek.jar) in the same folder as PlantUML.jar.